À propos de nous
Lycée Guebre Mariam Parents' Association
To inform parents
To inform families about the activities and school life, the parents’ association can distribute documents. These must be clearly identified as emanating from the parents’ association. Their content must respect the following rules:
- Principle of secularism
- Provisions concerning privacy _
- Prohibition of any insult, defamation or propaganda in favor of a political party or commercial enterprise
The parents’ association submits its documents to the school management. The latter are responsible for distributing them, as they go, to the students, to be given to their parents.
The broadcasting conditions are defined, in consultation, between the head of the school administration and the association.
The parents’ association or the head of the school administration can contact the rector of the academy in the following situations:
- In case of disagreement on the conditions of diffusion
- When the head of the school administration considers that the content of a document does not respect the principles of the public service of education
The academy rector then has 7 days to decide.
In the absence of a response within this period, the document is distributed.
Meetings and services for parents or students
The parents’ association can organize information meetings (on the functioning of the school administration, the dispensation of education, etc. ) for the attention of parents or pupils, with the participation or not of ‘teachers.
It can also offer and organize certain services (school support, for example) for parents or students.
Its purpose is to defend the following interests:
- Moral interests (equal treatment of students, ensuring the safety of children in educational school administrations)
Material interests (maintenance and upgrading of premises, cost of school meals reasonable and accessible to all) common to parents of students